Preeti Unicode

Preeti To Unicode Converter

कृपया तलको बक्समा प्रीति फन्टका अक्षरहरु लेख्नुहोस् वागर्नुहोस्: (Enter Preeti Text) :

Convert To Unicode     Clear Text

Converted Unicode Text :

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About Preeti To Unicode Converter

Preeti font is one of the first Nepalise font designed and developed by Bhadrakali Mishra. It is considered as the official font of Nepal. Now, Majority of Nepali People Including Government Employees, Education Institutes, Corporates and end user use. It resembles the Times New Roman of Neepali Language Font.

Our Preeti to Unicode Converter is a free online tool to convert preeti to unicode and unicode to preeti. Also, it is possible to download the converted text as word file, send it to WhatsApp or copy it to clipboard.


1. What is Preeti font?
Preeti is one of the first and most widely used Nepali font created by Bhadrakali Mishra. It is most widely used in government and corporate offices in Nepal.

2. What is Unicode Font?
Unicode font is the globally used font which is supported by every major devices such as android, iOS, Windows, Linux or Mac Systems. This is a list of characters with Unicode code-points; as of Unicode version 14.0 there are 144,697 characters, covering 159 modern and historical scripts, as well as multiple symbol sets.

3. How to convert Preeti to Unicode?
You Just need to type in the textbox to convert Preeti to Unicode easily. Once you enter the text, Click on convert and you will see the text converted in the unicode text box. You can double click copy the contents or use our shortcut button "Copy To Clipboard" and it will automatically copy all your text into the clipboard.

4. Can I Download the Converted Unicode Text ?
Yes! You can easily download the converted text in a wordfile using Download word file option. Additionally, you can also send the converted text via Whatsapp directly using "Send to WhatsApp" Option.

5. Is the converter Free ?
Yes! The Converter is Free For Both personal as well as commercial use. However, we will appreciate if you provide a link to us.

6. Who has created Preeti Font ?
Preeti Font is Created By Bhadrakali Mishra.