Preeti Unicode

Unicode To Preeti Converter

कृपया तलको बक्समा युनिकोड फन्टका अक्षरहरु लेख्नुहोस् वागर्नुहोस्: (Enter Unicode Text) :

Convert To Preeti     Clear Text

Converted Preeti Text :

   Send to Whatsapp      Download Word File Copy To Clipboard

About Preeti To Unicode Converter

Preeti font is one of the first Nepalise font designed and developed by Bhadrakali Mishra. It is considered as the official font of Nepal. Now, Majority of Nepali People Including Government Employees, Education Institutes, Corporates and end user use. It resembles the Times New Roman of Neepali Language Font.

Our Preeti to Unicode Converter is a free online tool to convert preeti to unicode and unicode to preeti. Also, it is possible to download the converted text as word file, send it to WhatsApp or copy it to clipboard.


1. How to Convert Unicode To Preeti?
To Convert Your Unicode Text Into Preeti, Just Type or Paste The Text in the Unicode Text Box and Click "Convert To Preeti" and it will be converterd. You can check and copy the text from the Preeti Text Box Below. You can also copy the same via "Copy To Clipboard" Button easily.

2. The preeti text box is showing garbage value. What to do ?
It seems like you've not installed the Preeti font on your system. You need to install the Preeti font on your system..

3. How to use the converted Preeti Text?
You can copy the text using "Copy to Clipboard" Option. It is also possible to download the same as Microsoft Word File Using "Download Word File" Option. If you want to send the same via Whatsapp, Just click on "Sent to WhatsApp".